November 2022
20 November 2022 - 18:20
Why is my windows key disabled
5.4 As soon as my second game opens my framerate (FPS) drops like a rock?.
5.3 Can I see all of my windows from multiple PCs on my main PC?.
4.3 I'm using a VideoFX Window Layout but the viewers are not showing.
4.2 Why does my Video FX view show up pixellated/low resolution/low quality?.
4.1 I followed a Video FX setup guide but my Video FX is not working?.
3.4 The ISBoxer Toolkit controls are missing or not displaying all the text properly.
3.3 I copied my ISBoxer configuration to a new PC, and everything works except for the Key Maps and Repeater buttons don't show up?.
3.2 I upgraded to a new PC, what is the easiest way to migrate my ISBoxer configuration?.
3.1 I lost my configuration somehow, is there a way to recover it?.
2.9 ISBoxer says DirectX is missing components.
2.8 Do I have to authorize devices via email?.
2.7 How long do I have to wait for a Device Authorization email?.
2.6 Where is that Inner Space icon you mention?.
2.5 Inner Space has a default hotkey to toggle the console, where is this with ISBoxer?.
2.4 Can I install and use Inner Space/ISBoxer both at home and at work?.
2.3 Is there another way to pay for Inner Space?.
2.1 If I have to pay for Inner Space why does it say ISBoxer is free?.
Om Mig: